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Optimizing Your Restaurant Website in the Age of COVID-19

April 14, 2020

Part one in our series on digital marketing for restaurants in the age of COVID-19, with tips on optimizing your restaurant website from Madeline Grenadier of Digital Society LLC.

The current landscape for restaurants can be boiled down to a single word: adaptation. As cities have implemented social distancing, restaurants — with their own orders to operate only for takeout & delivery — have quickly pivoted. Those that remain in operation continue to adapt to new, or perhaps, adjusted business models. It should be known the important role that your restaurant’s website plays and how marketing and advertising can help your business in these times. 

This is a great time to get your brand in front of diners and to acquire new future regulars. As people continue to work remotely, they’re spending more hours in front of their computers and phones. A bigger audience directly converts to much-needed revenue. So how can you jumpstart your marketing efforts and drive more revenue? It starts with your website. 

As part of a three-part series on digital marketing for restaurants in the age of COVID-19, we spoke with Madeline Grenadier, Founder & CEO of Digital Society LLC — a leading digital marketing agency in Austin, TX — to get some tips and insights into digital marketing for restaurants and a few actionable ways to optimize your strategy for increased business.

Read Part Two on Social Media Marketing during COVID-19 

Read Part Three on Email Marketing during COVID-19

Watch Taking Control During COVID-19: How to Jumpstart Your Restaurant's Marketing

Why You Should Market Your Restaurant Right Now

Right now is an important time to market your restaurant. All eyes are on social media, email and websites as people are looking for ways to help and support restaurants, as well as order goods for themselves. This is where digital marketing comes into play, especially now. “With everyone staying home, we’ve seen more engagement with our clients’ followers than ever before,” says Grenadier.

Graphic about the increase in screen times

The most important things you can do right now are to, “continue to post what’s going on in your restaurant using your website. Show what’s on the menu, what your new adjusted hours are, etc. Drive home the fact that you’re open for business and taking orders online for pickup or delivery.” She goes on to say that, “whether you’re posting to social media or communicating through email newsletters, tell them exactly how they can order, how they can or will receive their order and most importantly, make sure all of your information is up to date across all of your marketing outreach channels, especially your restaurant website.”

Optimizing Your Website During the COVID-19 Crisis

There are a few actionable steps to optimizing your website for these uncertain times. These steps are important in keeping your guests up to date with your restaurant’s hours of operation and offerings. In turn, they will convert website traffic into paying customers by directing them to order online, purchase gift cards, merchandise and more.

Learn More about Online Ordering for Pickup and Delivery

1. Check that your homepage is up to date on desktop and mobile

a screenshot of a cell phone

It’s important to create three main focus points on your website’s homepage during this time. Make it clear that you’re open for business (or if you’re not). Clearly link your up-to-date menus. Include quick information on how to order and include links that take your guests to your online ordering store. 

2. Use alerts to drive online orders

a screenshot of a cell phone

Add header or overlay alerts to highlight important information when a visitor first comes to your website. Alerts quickly relay important information and include links to other pages such as your online ordering store or gift cards page.

3. Use hyperlinked images and buttons to drive online orders

a screenshot of a cell phone

Your website can include hyperlinked images and buttons that ask the visitor to perform a specific action such as “begin your order” or “purchase a gift card”. 

Optimizing your website to highlight the latest happenings and offerings in your restaurant will increase online orders and conversions, ensuring your business continues to succeed in a difficult moment in time. 

To learn more about optimizing your website to drive online orders and more, get in touch with your account manager today. The next article in this three-part series on digital marketing for your restaurant in the age of COVID-19 focuses on social media marketing and advertising.




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