BentoBox News
BentoBox News October 2019
November 1, 2019
Check out the latest news from BentoBox HQ
Welcome back to BentoBox News, a monthly recap of all the happenings here at BentoBox HQ. This series is where we highlight our website and product launches, awards and share press.
In The News
Web accessibility is more important than ever for restaurants. Website-related lawsuits are ramping up all around the country. Which is why we prioritize accessibility here at BentoBox. A few articles to mention from October:
Earlier this month, the United States Supreme Court dealt a blow to Domino’s. Their defense claimed that its website and app didn’t fall under the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The plaintiff in the case claimed that twice he was unsuccessful in placing an order through their website and app using assistive technology. The Supreme Court denied to hear Domino’s appeal from a lower court that found Domino’s in violation of the ADA.
From RBI: “More than 5,000 lawsuits were filed against companies over ADA rules as of June 2019,” according to BentoBox, an accessible restaurant website platform. The number of such lawsuits is expected to quadruple next year. Restaurants are a top target for such lawsuits.”
BentoBox’s Perry Rahman-Porras spoke to Restaurant Dive quoting, “because the ADA has not been updated since 1996, there's no standard for what modern digital accessibility looks like. Restaurant's best bet is adhering to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which serves as a best practice for accessible web development." The article highlights the growing threat of litigation over non-accessible restaurant websites in the digital era.
We partnered with Tilit and Heritage Radio Network on the second season of the Opening Soon podcast. The weekly show is about the journey of opening a restaurant and features conversations with some of the world’s greatest chefs, restaurateurs and vendors. On the 16th, Chef and Restaurateur Sean Brock, spoke at the International Culinary Center, in front of a live audience on wellness and restaurant culture. Members of our team were there to support the event. Check out the broadcast below.
On the 29th, a few members from our team spent the day at TechTable—an innovative hospitality tech conference that drives the conversation between tech, hospitality and investing to empower bold ideas and build solutions that drive hospitality forward. The panels included Major Food Group, Honeygrow and Danny Meyer from Union Square Hospitality Group. We teamed up with TechTable on their website.
That’s it for October, check back in November to find out what’s new at BentoBox HQ.

The Best Restaurant Merch Online
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Restaurants are becoming lifestyle brands. Capitalize on branded merch sales, especially during the holiday season.

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Pre-Order & Catering: A Better Way to Capture Advance Restaurant Orders
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