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Frasca Hospitality Group Expands Award-Winning Hospitality Online

October 20, 2022

Learn how Frasca Hospitality Group gained creative control of its websites to enhance diner experience and streamline operations.

In 2019, Frasca Hospitality Group was a growing, James Beard Award-winning business with two restaurants (Frasca Food and Wine and Pizzeria Locale), a third restaurant opening soon (Tavernetta) and a fourth concept (Sunday Vinyl) in development. However, its relationship with a remote website contractor was not working. As a result, nobody within the group had access to its websites, which meant every update had to go through a third party. Unfortunately, this led to inaccurate information, delayed updates and confused guests. 

The websites also offered limited customization, preventing Frasca from being able to present its brand the way it wanted. Frasca envisioned letting each restaurant's website stand independently, without tying into a central Frasca Hospitality Group website at the center. They wanted the websites to complement each other to deliver an experience collectively but remain unique on their own – a community of restaurants. Admins knew they needed more access and authority over its websites and brand to convey a cohesive brand across locations and provide best-in-class hospitality to its diners. 

"We wanted to be able to tell the story and evoke the feeling of our restaurants off the bat with our websites," says Frasca Hospitality Group Brand Director Erin Pommer. 

With BentoBox, Frasca gained ownership and creative control over its website design and layout. Together with BentoBox designers, they created beautiful, distinct websites for all four concepts. Additionally, all four websites grew business, drove programming and expanded staff responsibilities and professional development.

I would recommend BentoBox to anybody. It's worth the investment and has been a great relationship. Beautifully navigating a website and getting all the information you need is part of the overall dining and guest experience.

Erin Pommer

Brand Director, Frasca Hospitality Group

Partnership Overview & Results

  • 1.9 million+ website visitors 

  • 1.2 million+ mobile visitors 

  • $98k+ direct online revenue

Gaining Ownership and Creative Control

Working with Pommer's team, BentoBox designers created four separate websites with clear branding while using creative elements to connect everything and integrate cross-marketing features to tie the group together.

Cohesive Branding for Four Distinct Concepts

Shades of beige and black with similar page splits and overlays connect the websites, while typography and high-resolution photography define each concept's brand and feel.

Integrating Communication in Design Features

In addition to its aesthetic design, Frasca's websites use communication features that fit into its design, like banner and homepage pop-up alerts, mobile compatibility and integrations with reservations and social media. These features serve more than design; they also allow staff to communicate directly to website visitors in real time, keeping business communications up to date and guests in the know.   

Utilizing Google Analytics

A design feature that also served as operational and marketing support included linking each restaurant to one another at the footer of each website. This subtle feature allowed Frasca to cross-pollinate and market guests to sister restaurants, building a holistic guest experience. Additionally, Frasca utilized BentoBox's built-in Google Analytics integration to monitor website traffic. For Frasca, most website visitors come from one of its sister restaurants and the information gained helps the group cross-market diners and website visitors. 

Empowering Staff With New Skill Sets

Most hospitality groups manage all their concepts' websites centrally. With BentoBox, Frasca presented a coherent brand across locations while giving each restaurant its personality and letting each concept's staff update its site. For example, General Managers update restaurant communications and programming, Executive Chefs update menus, Bar Managers update bar menus, Sommeliers update wine lists and Pommer updates website photos and aesthetic changes. In addition, the ability to have multiple users assigned to each restaurant's BentoBox back-end distributes website roles and responsibilities across the group, decreasing workloads, increasing timely updates and providing professional growth for staff.


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Want to stand out online, bring in more money, engage your diners, and streamline operations?


a laptop computer sitting on top of a table

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